Typed as spelled and written
- Lena Stone Criswell

(No newspaper name
no date)


To the Democrat:

       Miss Norma Radle of Durango is spending the week with her sister, Mrs. Otto Huber.
       Mrs. and mrs. G. Huber have gone to Albany on their vacation.
       Leonard McKee and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Lane of Robinsonville Thursday.
       Willard Powell of Chilton was a Cego visitor Friday.
       Rubye and Odetta David of San Antonio visited Mr. and Mrs. William McKee Thursday evening.
       Eugene Herrington spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd. Herrington.
       Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Greenhaw of Georgetown visited Mrs. Greenhaw's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Parham, this weekend.
       Mr. and Mrs. Walker Maples and daughter, Elsie Mae visited in Cego Saturday.
       Mrs. Berl Moon of Wichita Falls is visiting "Uncle" Todd Moon.
       Mr. and Mrs. Delbert McKee of Dallas visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKee Sunday.
       Mr. and Mrs. Iras Bentley and Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Jones and daughter Peggy Jo Ann, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pace.
       Dr. and Mrs. Martin of Eddy attended the singing at Cego Sunday.
